Thank you Little Rock Fire Department for visiting our children and teaching them about fire safety. Firefighters can be scary for young children. Getting to learn why you wear all your gear and exploring your fire truck helped us learn that Firefighters are here to help us.
Head Start News
LRPD Visit Southwest Head Start
Little Rock Police Officers visited our students and helped them learn how police protect us and keep us safe. Children got to see the the lights, hear the sirens and sit in the backseat of a police car. Thank you LRPD for building relationships with our children.
Parent Resource Directories Now Available Online
2019-2020 Parent Resource Directory 2019-2020 Conectando Niños y Familias a Servicios y Recursos de la Comunidad
Stuff the Stocking is Back!!
Every year generous sponsors fulfill the holiday wishes of more than 700 children in the UAMS Head Start/Early Head Start program by adopting a classroom as part of the “Stuff the Stockings” program. Classes are available now to adopt. Adopting a Head Start/Early Head Start classroom means providing one wrapped gift to each child in a classroom. The classrooms […]
King Head Start Mommy and Me Day
Mommy and Me Day was held at UAMS King Head Start on Friday, March 1, 2019. 43 moms attended the fun filled event, some moms and children dressed alike. Everyone participated in an arts and crafts activity, took pictures and enjoyed a special breakfast.
Mother’s Day Celebration at Kennedy Head Start
Cooking Class Spring 2019
Our HS, EHS and Partnership parents and family members participated in the 6 weeks Cooking Matters course. This program helps parents and caregivers, struggling with limited food budgets, learn how to shop for and cook healthy, affordable meals. After the parents learned about healthy eating and cooking, they participated in cooking healthy dishes during each […]
Kennedy Head Start Gardens
The children at Kennedy enjoy planting and watering their garden. The children enjoy working in it by, pulling the weeds out, so that their vegetables can grow. The teachers talk with the children in the classroom about each plant that is growing, they measure and observe the changes weekly. The joy for children and staff […]
Mother/Son Event
Thank you Mothers and Mother Figures who came out to support their young child’s education. 41 Mothers and Mother Figures attended this event with their sons. The theme of the event was I Love You Forever. Each family received a copy of the classic children’s book. “I Love You Forever” We had several activities including […]
Staff Appreciation 2018-2019
As part of the Week of the Young Child UAMS Head Start/Early Head Start celebrated its staff with Staff Appreciation Week. Staff were given goodies everyday as a way to show them how important they are to the children and families and to the program as a whole. Here’s what they got! Monday: Pineapples to […]