Please read the letters below from TeachingStrategies about our new Two-Way Family Communication and learn how to download the TeachingStrategies Family mobile app. Por favor lea las cartas de TeachingStrategies a continuación sobre nuestra nueva Comunicación familiar bidireccional y aprenda a descargar la aplicación móvil de TeachingStrategies Family.
News and Events
Census Event
Greeting, families! UAMS Head Start/Early Head Start has partnered with the United States Census Bureau to provide assistance to those families we serve who have not completed the 2020 survey. The Census deadline of September 30th is fast approaching and it is our goal to ensure that our families are counted. Therefore, on Wednesday, September […]
Guía para crear entornos de centros seguros y saludables durante la pandemia COVID-19
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School Reopening Letter
August 27th, 2020 Dear Families: This has been and continues to be a challenging time for us all. Over the last months, we have worked diligently to study the guidance from national, state, and local officials, as well as seeking input from parents and stakeholders. Attached is our Reopening Guidance Plan: During this trying time, […]
Reopening Guidance Plan
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Healthy School Resource Guides
With the new school year coming up, we want our students and families to feel safe about coming back to school. Below is the “Healthy School” guide and “Helping Student’s Cope” guide that was introduced by the Governor on August 13th, 2020. Healthy School Guide Helping Students Cope – Social Emotional Support for […]
Summer 2020 Parent Newsletters/Boletín informativo de verano 2020 para padres
Click the links below and see what our Head Start/Early Head Start program has been up to this summer! We were so excited to have our students back! Our staff has done an excellent job following guidelines to not only keep our students healthy and safe, but to also keep each other healthy and safe. […]
Preguntas y Respuestas Sobre la Reapertura de la Escuela/Covid-19 (Español)
Pregunta Respuesta ¿Cuál es el primer día de escuela para los estudiantes? La tentativa del primer día de clases será el 24 de agosto de 2020. Nos pondremos en contacto para actualizarlo a medida que nos acerquemos. ¿Cómo se tomará la asistencia para el aprendizaje virtual (en línea)? Supervisaremos la participación de las familias en […]
Covid-19 Reopening FAQS (English)
Question Answer What is the first day of school for students? The tentative first day of school will be August 24, 2020. We will be in touch to update you as we get closer. How will attendance be taken for virtual (online) learning? We will monitor families’ participation in Online learning. Children will not be […]
Head Start & Early Head Start Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures Procedimientos para dejar y Recoger (Spanish)