Come out, support local businesses and enjoy a delicious meal!
News and Events
Summer Food Truck Festival
Tornado Resources/Recursos de Tornado
After the Tornado: Helping Young Children Heal Después de Pasar por La Experiencia de Un Tornado: Como Podemos Ayudar a Nuestros Niños a Sanar Children’s Tornado Story Historia de Tornado de los Niños
Metro Kindergarten Transition
MCH Kindergarten Transition
MCH Field Day 2021
Metro Field Day 2021
Parent Orientation Video/Video de Orientación para Padres
Masking Memorandum/Memorándum de Mascarillas
Calling all Fathers / Llamando a todos los padres
Powerful Conversations with Fathers The Head Start State Collaboration Office and the Fatherhood and Family Initiative is proud to present opportunities for fathers to come together and share their stories, provide feedback, support, and just learn from each other. These sessions will be offered three times a year in 2022. The latest research on fatherhood […]